A Little About Shania…

Best at: Remembering things. An eight-count combo stays in my mind forever. I’m a choreographer and grew up making up dances for service groups that would come visit my town. The dances were a creative way to come together and unite in a segregated community. I also have a gift for reminding people of moments or memories that people tend to forget in hard times. 

Worst at: Having a “poker face”. I’m not someone who can hide my emotions; most of what I think comes out on my face. 

Passionate about: I’m passionate about other cultures. I love listening to different types of music and learning dances from other cultures. It’s less about the sound and the movement but more about the stories behind the people who created the music and moves.

What’s your “why”? I love advocating for people. I like to learn about different people in history who spent their lives advocating for something bigger than themselves. You have the big names in history, but then there are so many people who aren’t as well known but did daily things that made an impact on people’s lives. It’s why I wanted to be a lawyer, and I am starting to see that advocacy can look so many different ways. 

Favorite hallmark: We educate for and act on behalf of justice and peace in the world.

The Hallmarks by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur are the essential characteristics, values, and activities of the NDMVA learning community. They are common principles that we share within both organizations. They recently refreshed their hallmarks! Click here to read the updated Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Hallmarks.